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The Strange Experience

A Blog to Underground Sounds

Rainwater Touring Company - The Theater Project Concerts (1974)

Publié par Sébastien sur 3 Janvier 2010, 18:09pm

Catégories : #Album of the Week

Dans cette fabuleuse chasse aux trésors, est apparue comme par enchantement (apparition aidée par un des membres du groupe, George Puia) cette malle enfermée depuis 1974 dans un théâtre ("Theater Project" de Baltimore).

Malgré un sentiment de suspicion (une malle au cadenas non fermé et encore tissée de toiles d’araignées laisse planer un sérieux doute sur la teneur du butin), je décidai de percer le mystère et ouvris le couvercle…


Chronique écrite par George Puia sur RYM
Obscure folk rock album; hard to categorize. From mellow acoustic Lazy River to acoustic solo Little Murders, to epic rock jam Gypsy Lover. Great interplay between drums, keyboards and two guitars. Fezzey's leads soar. Album recorded live at the Theater Project in Baltimore, August 9, 1974. Great article the next day in the Baltimore Sum on the project (Aug 9 was the night Nixon resigned). Cathy Pierson on guitar, keyboards, vocals, formerly of Heliotrope. Tom Fezzey went on to play bass with Jamestown Massacre; Puia produced a few projects and founded City Alive records in Chicago. Larry Illges did a short drumming stint with Juarez--back up band to Mike Smith and also worked with Harry Daily of the coral reefer band. Grinn Records (c) 1974

Lazy River

Bring Her Down


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<br /> Only about 3,000 copies of this were printed ... fun to see this reviewed after so many years. John Bell wrote lazy river and has the vocal on that song. I play acoustic solo on an old martin. Tom<br /> Fezzey does the great lead part on bring her down. Merci de vos mots aimables.<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Thank to you & the band for this amazing record.<br /> <br /> <br />


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