My name is Scott Seskind. I was born on September 29th. 1959, and grew up in a suburb of Los Angeles. I went to several colleges in California and finally graduated from u.c.l.a. I have travelled across The United States a few times and have lived in Vermont and Colorado for about six months each. I went to Nepal for six weeks with the peace corps but came home early because i didn't like the program I was in. I come from a family of eastern European Jews. I've worked mostly in public schools and convalescent hospitals although I use to sell street atlases to make money. As of today (April 23, 1985), my girlfriend is three months pregnant and we're planning to move back to Boulder Colorado when this record is finished.
I recorded these songs on a four-track cassette deck. My friend Chris Hickey sang on "I Wonder " and "Here I Am". He also played bass ans scissors on "I Wonder".